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Riverside County Sheriff's Department - Headquarters
Wednesday April 4th, 2018 :: 10:04 a.m. PDT


We are HIRING! Join us for an Expedited Hiring Event for Deputy & Correctional Deputy this Sat, April 7th in Riv.

Expedited Hiring Event for Deputy and Correctional Deputy is happening this Saturday, April 7th at 8:00 AM

Ben Clark Public Safety Training Center
16791 Davis Avenue
Riverside, CA 92518

This is a Pre-Screen Test and Written Exam.

Upon successful completion of the Pre-Screen Test and Written Exam you will then take your Physical Agility Test (PAT).

The PAT consists of:
- Minimum of 27 sit-ups in 1 min.
- Minimum of 22 push-ups in 1 min.
- 1 ½ mile run in under 14 minutes. No stopping/walking.

WORKOUT ATTIRE is appropriate for the entire event.

Please bring your CA I.D. and water.

Successful applicants will receive a packet to begin the background process.

To pre-register or if you have any questions, please contact Human Resources at 1-888-Join-RSD or email at

You don’t want to miss this opportunity!

*Correctional Deputy Minimum Requirements:
-At least 18 years of age at time of application
-Eligible to work in U.S.
-Ability to obtain California Driver License
-U.S. high school diploma or G.E.D., or equivalent

*Deputy Sheriff -Minimum Requirements:
-At least 20 years & 9 months of age at start of academy
-U.S. citizen
-Ability to obtain California Driver License
-U.S. high school diploma or G.E.D., or equivalent
-Oral & written communications skills

Riverside County Sheriff's Department - Headquarters
4095 Lemon St
Riverside, CA 92501

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 951-955-2400

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