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Cypress Police Department
Tuesday April 10th, 2018 :: 12:44 p.m. PDT


Every 15 Minutes Program Notice / Orange Avenue Road Closure (April 12, 2018 8:30 am to 1:00 pm)

March 27, 2018

Contact: Officer Eric Mount

Phone No.: 714-229-6634



Nature of Release: Street Closure / Every 15 Minutes Program

Date/Time of Occurrence: April 12, 2018, 8:30 am to 1:00 pm

Location of Incident: 5700 block of Orange Avenue

Brief Narrative of Incident:

Cypress High School, in conjunction with the Cypress Police Department and the California Highway Patrol, will be presenting the Every 15 Minutes program on April 12 and 13, 2018. This program is aimed at high school juniors and seniors, and educates the students, and their families about the dangers of drinking and driving.

A component of the program consists of a mock traffic collision. The mock collision will be staged in the 5700 block of Orange Avenue, in front of the Cypress Community Center. As such, Orange Avenue will be closed to through traffic on Thursday, April 12, 2018, between 8:30 am and 1:00 pm between Walker Street and Valley View Street. Motorists are advised to plan for this closure and use alternate routes during the closure.

The purpose of the program is to provide an accurate picture of an alcohol-related fatal collision, the results of that collision, and the effect of the collision from the perspective of all parties involved. Our hope is to show not only young people, but, all who drive, that the choice to drink and drive rests with those who accept the privilege and responsibility of driving in California.

Students at Cypress High School will be the participants in the collision, as drivers and injured passengers. The simulation will include on-scene trauma triage, DUI investigation, and hospital treatment/death. At the conclusion of the collision scene the participating students will be taken to an Orange County Superior Court room for the sentencing hearing of the DUI driver. Students will then begin an overnight retreat with activities designed to show the effects of driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs.

On Friday, April 13, 2018, an assembly will be held at Cypress High School at which time the “dead” students will be reunited with their parents. The senior class will attend this assembly where a powerful video of the previous day’s activities will be shown as well as presentations by several guest speakers.

Every 15 Minutes…The Choice Is Yours

Any questions can be directed to Officer Eric Mount of the Cypress Police Department Traffic Safety Bureau, (714)229-6634.


Cypress Police Department
5275 Orange Ave
Cypress, CA 90630

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 714-229-6600

5700 Orange Ave
Cypress, CA 90630

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