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Thousand Oaks Police Department
Tuesday June 12th, 2018 :: 03:23 p.m. PDT


Detectives Arrest Suspect for Stalking Thousand Oaks Resident #ThousandOaksPolice

Nature of Incident: Stalker Arrested in Front of Victim’s Residence
Report Number: 18-72854
Location: 300 Block of Los Padres Drive, Thousand Oaks
Date & Time: June 7, 2018 at 11:28 AM
Unit Responsible: Thousand Oaks Police Department Patrol / ECPS Investigations Bureau /Moorpark Police Investigations
(S)uspects, (V)ictims, (P)arty, (D)ecedent City of Residence Age

(S) Plancarte-Hernandez, Raul North Hills 33
(V) Adult Female Thousand Oaks 38

During the month of May, 2018, detectives from the Thousand Oaks Police Department began an investigation of Raul Plancarte-Hernandez stalking a female resident of Thousand Oaks. The investigation culminated with the arrest of Plancarte-Hernandez in the City of Thousand Oaks.

Detectives learned through their investigation that Plancarte-Hernandez and the victim were in a short dating relationship in 2016. The victim ended her relationship with Plancarte-Hernandez, after which she began to receive phone calls and text messages from Plancarte-Hernandez during all hours of the day and night. In an attempt to stop the Plancarte-Hernandez from Cyberstalking her, the victim “blocked” Plancarte-Hernandez’ number but he was able to circumvent it by using various smart phone applications that allowed him to call and text the victim from different numbers.

Plancarte-Hernandez’ Cyberstalking campaign consisted of calling the victim approximately 300 times and texting the victim approximately 4000 times in the last year and a half since their break up. Detectives also learned that Plancarte-Hernandez was able to “hack’ into the victim’s social media sites, Pay-Pal account, iCloud account, and cell phone account to make changes in the accounts. The victim, in an attempt to stop Plancarte-Hernandez, changed her cell phone number, email address, Apple ID and all electronic means of identifying herself. Plancarte-Hernandez was still able to contact her via cell phone and email.

In a further attempt to liberate herself from the stalking, the victim also moved from the city of Moorpark to the city of Thousand Oaks in an attempt to elude Plancarte-Hernandez but he was still able to locate her. Plancarte-Hernandez sent threatening text messages to the victim that included current events in the victims’ life that Plancarte-Hernandez could have only known if he was nearby and watching the victim.

On June 7, 2018, at approximately 1128 hours, Thousand Oaks Police Department Detectives located Plancarte-Hernandez seated in a parked vehicle directly in front of the victim’s residence on the 300 block of Los Padres Drive. Plancarte-Hernandez had parked the vehicle amongst other vehicles on the street and concealed himself in the vehicle by placing sunshades in the windows. Plancarte-Hernandez was actively stalking the victim and sending her unwanted text messages.

Plancarte-Hernandez was arrested for stalking, an active misdemeanor warrant, and booked into the Ventura County Jail. On June 12, 2018, Plancarte-Hernandez was arraigned in Ventura County Superior Court on the stalking charge and was remanded to custody in lieu of bail in the amount of $100,000.00.

Prepared by: Sergeant Robert Davidson
Media Release Date: June 12, 2018
Media Follow-Up Contact: Detective Dani Thompson
(805) 494-8225
Approved by: Captain Bill Schierman

Ventura County Crime Stoppers will pay up to $1,000 reward for information, which leads to the arrest and criminal complaint against the person(s) responsible for this crime. The caller may remain anonymous. The call is not recorded. Call Crime Stoppers at 800-222-TIPS (8477).

Thousand Oaks Police Department
2101 E Olsen Rd
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360

Emergency: 9-1-1

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