June 13th UPDATE...Chapel Hill Road bridge 
June 13th UPDATE...
The Village of Johnsburg has been notified by the McHenry County Division of Transportation the east sidewalk will be open intermittently daily while construction work in not being conducted.
This is exclusively for pedestrian/foot traffic, while bicycles may be walked, under no circumstances shall riding be allowed due to this remaining an active work zone with ever-changing conditions during the project.
Attached to this broadcast is an image of the "Sidewalk Closed" sign which will be displayed during the closed times. This sign will be removed during the times of allowable walking traffic.
Listed below is the link to the McHenry County Division of Transportation, please copy and paste into your web browser. You will find information such as project status, general project information, detour routes/maps, and important contact names and telephone numbers.
Johnsburg Police Department
1515 Channel Beach Ave
Johnsburg, IL 60051
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 815-385-6024