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Cleona Borough Police Department
Thursday August 2nd, 2018 :: 12:31 p.m. EDT


2018 Cleona National Night Out- Tuesday August 7th- 6pm-8pm

The 2018 Cleona Borough National Night Out will take place on Tuesday August 7th at the Cleona Playground on South Garfield Street. This event starts at 6:00pm and ends at 8:00pm.

There will be free food, music, games and over 25 local, state and federal agencies represented. For more information go to the Cleona Borough Police Department facebook page at

Cleona Borough Police Department
140 W Walnut St
Cleona, PA 17042

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 717-274-2510

251 S Garfield St
Cleona, PA 17042

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