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City of Perth Amboy
Saturday September 22nd, 2018 :: 12:45 p.m. EDT


Join us this Sunday 9/23/2018 12pm - 3pm for a FREE SHREDDING EVENT & PRESCRIPTION DRUG TAKE BACK DAY

Join us this Sunday 9/23/2018 12pm - 3pm for a FREE SHREDDING EVENT & PRESCRIPTION DRUG TAKE BACK DAY in the parking lot of the Good Shepherd Parish (Most Holy Rosary Church) 625 Florida Grove Rd. Hopelawn, NJ 08861. 

City of Perth Amboy
260 High St
Perth Amboy, NJ 08861

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 732-826-0290

Sgt Rick Zaleski
Community Policing

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