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Cloquet Police Department
Sunday September 23rd, 2018 :: 09:26 p.m. CDT


CPD & CHS respond to potential threat

Over the weekend, school staff informed the CPD of a potential threat against the school by a student. Law enforcement responded and located the student, who told officers the comments were a joke. 

Based on the investigation, we believe the student's comments are meritless.  However, the CPD will have an extra presence at the schools and will monitor the situation should any new information arise. 

Please see the email that was sent by Superintendent Cary regarding the potential threat against the school. 



Over the weekend, Cloquet Schools administration was made aware of social media posts made by a Cloquet High School student which were investigated as potential threats against the school. Cloquet Police were dispatched to the home immediately to investigate. They were informed that the posts were considered a joke by the student. Cloquet Public Schools takes student safety very seriously. Communications that appear to be threats to student safety will be investigated thoroughly and strict discipline will be implemented. Safety is our top priority. To reassure our students and families, we are planning an increased police presence on Monday at our high school and middle school campus. 

Thank you, 

Dr. Michael Cary, Superintendent
Cloquet Public Schools

Cloquet Police Department
101 14th St
Cloquet, MN 55720

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 218-879-1247

Derek Randall
Commander Administration | Investigations

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Cloquet, MN 55720

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