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Angels Camp Police Department
Friday September 28th, 2018 :: 01:13 p.m. PDT


City of Angels Recommendation for Chief of Police


September 28, 2018

SUBJECT: City of Angels Recommendation for Chief of Police

CONTACT: Teresa Johnson, Tel. (209)736-2567 /


The City of Angels will be recommending Scott Ellis for the position of Chief of Police at the October 2, 2018 City Council Meeting. If approved by the City Council, Scott Ellis will be sworn in as the Chief of Police for the Angels Camp Police Department at the October 2, 2018 City Council meeting.

Scott Ellis originally worked for the Angels Camp Police Department as a Police Officer in 2000. He left the Angels Camp Police Department to join the Turlock Police Department where he promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Ellis also worked as a Program Manager for a Private Security Company before ultimately returning to the Angels Camp Police Department in June 2018 as a Sergeant.


Angels Camp Police Department
200 Monte Verda St
Angels Camp, CA 95222

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 209-736-2567

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