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Upper Macungie Township Police Department
Monday October 15th, 2018 :: 09:55 a.m. EDT


*** Residential Burglary ***

On Friday, October 12th, a residential burglary occurred in the 5600 block of Snowdrift Rd.

According to the victims, a Hispanic male (who was described as being in his mid 30's, appx. 5'2" tall, Light skin and clean shaven) approached the victims who were outside doing yard work. The actor was driving a white SUV and told the victims that he worked for PPL and wanted to park some vehicles on their property. During this time the male used a walkie talkie to speak to another male. After some discussion, the suspect left. The next day the victims realized that someone had stolen items from inside.

This incident remains under investigation at this time. Residents should be aware that this type of incident is referred to as a "distraction burglary." In distraction burglaries, it is typical for one suspect to show up unannounced at a home and play a role - a utility worker, for example. That suspect 's job is to draw the victim out of the home and distract them. The first suspect's goal is to keep your attention, so they may talk quickly and try to confuse you. They also will typically communicate with another suspect either by cell phone or two way radio (thus giving suspect #2 the "all clear" signal for when the second subject can enter your home and commit the burglary).

These type of criminals typically target the elderly, but not always. Remember, if you don't recognize the person knocking at your door, there is nothing that states you have to open the door. If you do open the door, ask questions- and lots of them! Unfortunately, criminals try and take advantage of people's trust and kindness- but there is nothing wrong with asking questions.

As always, our officers are here to help 24 hours a day. If you think someone may be trying to scam you, lock your doors and call 911. You can also reach us via the non-emergency line at 610-437-5252.

Upper Macungie Township Police Department
37 Grim Road
Breinigsville, PA 18031

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 484-661-5911

William Rohrbach
Community Service Divison

5600 Snowdrift Rd
Lehigh County, PA 18069

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