Stop Signs to be Installed at W. Milgeo & N. Acacia Intersection
Stop Signs to be Installed at Intersection
On December 6, stop signs will be put in place on W. Milgeo Ave. at N. Acacia Ave. The additional stop signs will change the intersection from a two-way stop, to a four-way stop.
Signs advising of the planned changes to the intersection will be posted in the area as early as Wednesday, November 21.
For Additional Information Please See Below:
The city received a request for a stop sign to be placed for east and west bound traffic on W. Milgeo Ave. at N. Acacia Ave. This intersection is currently a two-way stop for north and south bound traffic. The cited concern was for hazardous conditions, mainly due the increased amount of traffic collisions that have occurred at this intersection over the past two years.
The California Vehicle Code requires that traffic control devices and markings be installed to conform with the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (California MUTCD) which is published by the State of California, Department of Transportation.
The City of Ripon occasionally receives requests from residents to install stop signs at certain locations around the City mainly in relation to vehicle speed. The MUTCD specifically says, “Stop signs should not be used for speed control” and within the MUTCD are guidelines and traffic warrants to be satisfied in order to install stop signs. The warrants include vehicle accident data, vehicular volumes, pedestrian volumes and vehicle/pedestrian conflicts. Staff reviews each request and evaluates the traffic data to determine if the intersection meets the stop sign or multi-way stop sign warrants. The majority of requests received do not meet the standard warrants.
The police department, in partnership with the engineering department, has kept a watchful eye on this intersection for the past several years due to complaints and the increased number of traffic collisions.
City staff recently completed an engineering study of the traffic conditions at the intersection of W. Milgeo and N. Acacia Avenues to determine whether or not converting the two way stop into a four way stop is necessary. Based on the accident data, vehicular volumes and pedestrian volumes at the intersection a four way stop is warranted according to the guidelines set forth in the MUTCD. There have been a total of 12 accidents at the intersection since 2015, additionally the intersection falls within a highly used route by school children.
According to City of Ripon Municipal Code Chapter “10.12 Traffic Control Devices”, Section 040 A, the Chief IS DIRECTED to install official traffic control devices, with Section 040 B stating that when exercising your authority under subsection A, you must make your decision based on field investigation, traffic counts and other traffic information as may be pertinent, and per the engineering and safety standards in the California Maintenance Manual from Caltrans.
It should be noted that the number one cause of collisions at the intersection is drivers stopped at the current stop signs on N. Acacia Ave. pulling out in front of approaching vehicles traveling east or west bound on W. Milgeo Ave., believing that those vehicles will also be stopping at the intersection.
There is also a concern for children’s safety, as this intersection is being more frequently used as a path to access the pedestrian over cross to reach the high school and Ripon Elementary School.
The engineering department's study of the intersection revealed that for east and west bound traffic it met 100% of the criteria for a stop sign to be installed.
The engineering department, police department, and public works department will be working together to ensure adequate signage, enforcement, and notifications are in place to ensure safety of motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians using this intersection.
Therefore beginning on December 6, 2018, the intersection of W. Milgeo Ave. and N. Acacia Ave. will be converted to a four-way stop with appropriate roadway markings and crosswalks.
Ripon Police Department
259 N Wilma Ave
Ripon, CA 95366
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 209-599-2102