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Hiram Police Department
Sunday November 25th, 2018 :: 06:13 a.m. EST


AVOID GA92 @ Nebo Road for the next hour due to a motor vehicle collision and power lines down.

Hiram PD advises you to avoid the area of GA92 @ Nebo Road for the next hour due to a motor vehicle collision.

A MVA has occured at GA92 & Nebo Road which has caused power lines to fall across the roadway and cause power outages in the area.

Emergency responders are on scene and expect the intersection to be closed for approximately one hour. Please use alternate routes (Bill Carruth Parkway, Hiram Sudie Road, Etc.)

Hiram Police Department
217 Main St
Hiram, GA 30141

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 770-943-3087

Stephen Johnston
Public Information

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