Severe Cold Weather- Check on Neighbors - Limit Pet Outdoor Time - Public Safety 886-3200- DTE 800-477-4747 / Gas 800-947-5000
With extremely cold temperatures approaching, please follow a few
basic guidelines for health and safety:
1. Please check on your elderly or disabled neighbors and use
caution when using portable heating devices like space heaters.
2. Never leave candles or fires unattended.
3. Limit the time your pets are outside to a few minutes.
4. DTE power outages or downed lines call 1-800-477-4747 or call
Public Safety for further assistance 313-886-3200.
5. DTE gas emergencies 1-800-947-5000 or Public Safety 313-886-
6. For water-related issues, call Public Safety 313-886-3200 and we
will notify the Water Department or refer plumbing services.
7. For plumbing on cold outside walls, leave cabinet doors open to
circulate warm air and/or leave a slow faucet drip to prevent pipes
from freezing.
8. If you need shelter services call Public Safety 313-886-3200
for assistance
9. Senior citizens may contact The Helm (formerly SOC) at 313-882-
9600 for transportation, meals on wheels, minor home repairs and
shelter or call Public Safety at 313-886-3200 for assistance.
10. Check batteries in smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors.
11. All emergencies call 911, otherwise please call 313-886-3200
Grosse Pointe City
17320 Mack
Grosse Pointe City, MI 48230
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 313-886-3200