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Fruitport Township Police Department
Monday April 8th, 2019 :: 01:54 p.m. EDT


Fruitport Police Department Investigating Armed Robbery

Fruitport Police are investigating an Armed Robbery which occurred at approximately 5pm Sunday afternoon in the 200 block of N 3rd Ave in The Village of Fruitport. The suspect was driving 2006 – 2009 4 door, red Ford Fusion. The suspect was wearing dark clothing and had his face concealed with a mask and dark glasses. Anyone with information on this subject or the vehicle are asked contact the Fruitport Police Department at (231) 865-8477 or Muskegon Silent Observer by calling 72- CRIME, and online at

Additional images can be viewed at our website at

Fruitport Township Police Department
5825 Airline Hwy
Fruitport Charter Township, MI 49415

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 231-865-8477

D/Sgt Rypstra
Fruitport Police

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