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San Mateo, CA Police Department
Monday April 8th, 2019 :: 12:45 p.m. PDT


Uber driver arrested for residential burglary

For Immediate Release No. 20190406-027
Monday, April 8, 2019
Uber driver arrested for residential burglary
San Mateo Police Department identified and arrested an Uber driver when residential security cameras captured him burglarizing a residence shortly after finishing a ride to the airport.
San Mateo, CA – On Friday, April 5, 2019, at 9:00 p.m. San Mateo Police Department detectives arrested Jackie Gordon Wilson in the Sacramento area for a residential burglary he committed in San Mateo the previous day while driving for the rideshare company, Uber. A Ring surveillance community sharing platform revealed the same suspect attempted to burglarize another home of his rider an hour after dropping them off at the airport. A round-the-clock investigation led detectives to the suspect’s home in Rancho Cordova, a suburb of Sacramento. He was taken into custody and a search warrant was served at his residence.  
On Thursday, April 4, 2019, at 5:37 p.m. San Mateo Police Department officers responded to the 1700 block of Nash Drive on report of residential burglary where a home was completely ransacked, and multiple items were found to be stolen. The homeowner had Ring video surveillance of the suspect breaking into their home and shared it on Ring’s community sharing platform. The homeowner quickly learned from platform users that the suspect was an Uber driver and just dropped off residents at the airport from the 600 block of Rand Street. The Rand Street Ring security camera showed Wilson attempting to burglarize the very home of his riders an hour after dropping them off at the airport. His attempt to burglarize the Rand Street home was thwarted after an alarm sounded and then he was later seen burglarizing the Nash Drive home. Nash Drive and Rand Street are in the same neighborhood and only a few blocks apart.
The residential burglary investigation continued into the night, leading San Mateo Police detectives to a home in Rancho Cordova. With the assistance of the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office, Wilson was arrested by San Mateo Police and a search warrant was served at his residence. At the time of his arrest, Wilson was wearing the same clothing he had on while lurking around our quiet San Mateo neighborhood the day before. Detectives also recovered some items stolen from the Nash Drive residence. He was transported and booked at San Mateo County Jail for the burglary on Nash Drive and the attempted burglary on Rand Street. The investigation continues as detectives are looking into Wilson’s activities to identify any other crimes and recover additional stolen property.
This case proves the benefit of a home security system particularly with video. Law enforcement is solving more crimes thanks to surveillance cameras and license plate reader systems. It is thanks to our partnerships with active neighborhood watch groups, social media platforms, and surveillance technologies, the San Mateo Police Department can identify criminals and make San Mateo an unfriendly place for thieves. Our officers regularly canvass for surveillance and you can help us by registering your cameras at

  • Be mindful where you are picked up and dropped off. For example, if you use rideshare to the airport, the driver will know you won’t be home for several days.
  • Double-check your ride share app to ensure the license plate, make, model and color of the car is the actual car assigned to you by the app.  
  • Take a picture of the license plate and vehicle. 
  • Do not get into a car or give your name to the driver until you ask, “who are you here for?” If the driver can’t identify your name, do not get in.  
  • Share your trip details with friends or family. According to Uber, you’re able to tap “Share status” in the mobile app and share your driver’s name, photo, license plate, and location with a friend or family member. Lyft users can tap the “Send ETA” icon on the bottom bar, which will send a text message to family or friends with a link to your current route and location. 
  • Trust your instincts! If you are uncomfortable with the driver’s behavior or comments or you sense something is not right, don’t get in the car. If you are already in the car, ask to be dropped off and call 911.   
Anyone with additional information is asked to contact Detective Sergeant Paul Pak at (650) 504-7507 or by email at Anonymous tips can be submitted to or by calling (650) 522-7676. Please refer any suspicious or criminal activity to SMPD.
Michael Haobsh
Public Information Officer
Community & Media Relations
Desk: (650) 522-7626
Jackie Gordon Wilson, 38-year-old Rancho Cordova resident of Sacramento County
Charges: First degree burglary, attempted first degree burglary, obstruct/resist/delay peace officer in the performance of their duty.

San Mateo, CA Police Department
200 Franklin Pkwy
San Mateo, CA 94403

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 650-522-7700

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