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Angels Camp Police Department
Tuesday July 23rd, 2019 :: 04:47 p.m. PDT


Stolen Check Report Leads to the Arrest of Angels Camp Resident / ACPD Case #'s 19-0303


July 23, 2019

SUBJECT: Stolen Check Report Leads to the Arrest of Angels Camp Resident / ACPD Case # 19-0303

CONTACT: Teresa Johnson, Tel. (209)736-2567 /


On July 20, 2019 a victim contacted the Angels Camp Police Department to report that someone had stolen a check from his Post Office box, signed his name, and cashed the check at an area bank using a driver license number that did not belong to the victim.

A copy of the check was obtained from the bank and a second victim was identified. The second victim was contacted and reported to officers that her driver license was stolen from her purse a few weeks ago.

Through further investigation the suspect was identified as 48 year-old Angels Camp resident, Louise Walsh. Both victims know Walsh, and did not give her permission to cash the check on their behalf nor be in possession of their driver license.

On July 23, 2019 at approximately 9:30 am, officers contacted Walsh in the 500 block of Amador Ave. Walsh was arrested and booked in to the Calaveras County Jail for the following charges:

530.5(a) PC – Using the ID of Another to Obtain Goods/Services (2 counts)

368(d)(2) PC – Elder Abuse; Theft, Embezzlement, Forgery or Fraud (2 counts)

530.5(e) PC – Mail Theft

530.5(c)(1) PC – Fraudulent Possession of Another Person’s Identifying Information

470(a) PC – Forgery


Angels Camp Police Department
200 Monte Verda St
Angels Camp, CA 95222

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 209-736-2567

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