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Angels Camp Police Department
Thursday August 8th, 2019 :: 11:57 a.m. PDT


Do You Depend on Electricity for Medical Needs?- Tips to Prepare for Potential PG&E Public Safety Power Shutoffs


August 8, 2019

The City of Angels Camp is re-posting the following press release regarding PG&E Public Safety Power Shutoffs to remind our community to prepare for potential prolonged power outages.



July 3, 2019

SUBJECT: Do You Depend on Electricity for Medical Needs?- Tips to Prepare for Potential PG&E Public Safety Power Shutoffs

CONTACT: Melissa Eads, City Administrator, Tel. (209)736-2181/


The City of Angels Camp reminds our community that it is important to be prepared and have a plan for PG&E’s Public Safety Power Shutoff program (PSPS). Prepare for outages that may occur at any time and may last several days. Visit for detailed information about preparing for power outages.

If you or someone you know relies upon electricity for a medical need, a power outage can be life-threatening. It is imperative to prepare for power outages, especially during fire season when our community may be without power for several days as a result of a PG&E PSPS.

PG&E offers their Medical Baseline program for their customers that are medically dependent upon electricity. PG&E Customers that enroll in the Medical Baseline program may receive extra notifications from PG&E of a power outage when possible and if conditions allow. Notifications are sent by phone, text, and email.

If you are medically dependent upon electricity, keep your PG&E Medical Baseline contact information up-to-date so that you and another responsible party can be notified of a power outage. Keep emergency numbers handy and consider staying with a friend or relative during a power outage.

If you know of someone that is medically dependent upon electricity, remember to check on them during power outages.

PG&E’s outages will occur in response to localized weather conditions and may not be fully known until the day of the event. The decision to turn off the power and the speed at which it is restored is planned and managed solely by PG&E. Citizens need to prepare for being without power for several days. PG&E will attempt to notify customers of PSPS outages through calls, texts, and emails using the contact information that PG&E has on file. Be sure your contact information is up-to-date with PG&E at



Go to for:

• Public Safety Power Shutoff Program
• Wildfire Safety
• Sign up for PG&E Wildfire Alerts
• Emergency Preparedness Kit
• Prepare for a Power Outage
• Public Safety Power Shutoff Fact Sheet
• PG&E Public Safety Power Shutoff Policies and Procedures


• – Disaster preparedness information from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security – CAL FIRE’s wildfire preparedness website
• – Information on the CPUC’s wildfire safety efforts
• – California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services website – California Fire Safe Council website

Angels Camp Police Department
200 Monte Verda St
Angels Camp, CA 95222

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 209-736-2567

Melissa Eads
City Administrator

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