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Sebastopol, CA Police Department
Monday September 9th, 2019 :: 10:19 p.m. PDT


Burglary suspect CR#19-0838.

On Sunday, September 08, 2019, at approximately 9pm, a Sebastopol resident telephoned 9-1-1 to report that she observed an unknown male suspect had entered her condominium through the unlocked front screen door and had stolen her wallet which was placed on a table in the entryway. She described the suspect as a black male adult, medium build, 20’s, approximately 5’07”, wearing dark clothing and a red beanie cap. She stated the suspect fled the area in an unknown direction.

Sebastopol Police is asking for any assistance. If you have any information relating to this incident please call the Sebastopol Police Department, Attn: Officer Villanueva, email: or Tel: 707-829-4400.

Sebastopol, CA Police Department
6850 Laguna Park Way
Sebastopol, CA 95472

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 707-829-4400

Off. Villanueva

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