Stanislaus County Sheriff's Dept. conducts "Shoulder Tap" Operation with help of ABC Grant 
A “Shoulder Tap” operation is designed to prevent youth access to alcohol and discourage adults from purchasing or furnishing alcohol for minors.
On 10/04/2019 Stanislaus County Sheriff Deputies, using under age Sheriff’s Explorers as decoys conducted a “Shoulder Tap” operation. During the seven hour operation the decoy’s contacted 58 people at 11 ABC licensed businesses. One adult purchased alcohol for the decoys.
The adult received a citation for furnishing alcohol to a minor and are scheduled to appear in the Superior Court in Stanislaus County.
Funding for this program was provided by a grant from the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control
For further information please contact;
Deputy Patrick McCulloch
(209) 869 7162
Stanislaus County Sheriff's Department
250 Hackett Road
Modesto, CA 95358
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 209-567-4401