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LASD - Palmdale Station, Los Angeles County Sheriff
Tuesday January 7th, 2020 :: 01:07 p.m. PST


Palmdale Station Now Accepting LASD Explorer Applications

Palmdale Station will be accepting applications for the LASD Explorer Program beginning today until February 5, 2020. After submitting an application, an advisor will contact the applicant to schedule an oral interview and begin the selection process. Interviews will be done Saturday February 8, 2020. Limited spaces are available due to currently being almost at max capacity.

The Explorer Academy is anticipated to start February 15, 2020. It will be held each Saturday for 18 weeks at Lancaster Station. Upon graduation, Explorers will begin their permanent POST at Palmdale Station.

Applications can be filled out and submitted at the Palmdale Station front lobby, located 750 E. Avenue Q, Palmdale 93550.

Minimum Requirements:
*Ages 14-20
*Grade Point Average 2.0 or higher
*Strong integrity and character
*Must pass drug screening
*Must submit to a background screening

For more information please call Deputy Ibanez at 661-272-2604 or email at

Deputy David Ibanez
Palmdale Sheriff’s Station – East Zone Deputy
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department
750 East Ave Q, Palmdale CA 93550
Desk 661-272-2604

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Alex Villanueva, Sheriff
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department

LASD - Palmdale Station, Los Angeles County Sheriff
750 E Ave Q
Palmdale, CA 93550

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 661-272-2400

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