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Holland Township Police Department
Wednesday March 18th, 2020 :: 07:20 a.m. EDT


Municipal Building Closure to the Public

Holland Township has implemented the following temporary regulations effective March 17, 2020, until further notice –

• No Public Access to the Municipal Building – Only Township Employees. Please call or email with any questions or concerns to the appropriate department.

• No In-Person payments for Sewer or Taxes will be accepted. Payments can be made via mail or online at

• No In-Person payments for Dog Licenses, Permits, etc. will be accepted. Payments can be made via mail.

• The Riegel Ridge Community Center which was closed on March 14, 2020 will remain closed, until further notice.

All public Board and Commission Meetings will be cancelled, until further notice. Conducting future meetings of the Township Committee electronically while providing the opportunity for public comment electronically during the duration of the State of Emergency in the Township


Clerk’s Office
(908) 995-4847 ext. 210

Department of Public Safety
(908) 995-4670 / Emergency 9-1-1

Tax Assessor
(908) 995-4830

Tax Collector
(908) 995-2047

Zoning / Planning Board / Board of Adjustments
(908) 995-0057

- Chief Sean Gutsick, EMC and Mayor Dan Bush

Holland Township Police Department
61 Church Rd
Milford, NJ 08848

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 908-995-4670

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