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LASD - Palmdale Station, Los Angeles County Sheriff
Wednesday March 18th, 2020 :: 06:20 p.m. PDT


LASD Palmdale Deputies Partner with SAVES to Conduct Welfare Checks on Senior Citizens....

Today, LASD Palmdale Sheriff’s Station Community Relations deputies partnered with South Antelope Valley Emergency Services (SAVES) to conduct welfare checks on local senior citizens. SAVES provided deputies with 20 individual boxes of food containing meat, canned goods, bread, cheese, and milk. Deputies walked door to door throughout inner city senior living apartment complexes and supplied food to those in need.
“The goal is to ensure no one slips through the cracks, and that starts with our most vulnerable and at risk population,” stated Palmdale Station Captain Ronald Shaffer.
During these uncertain times, we want to be sure that our most vulnerable and at risk citizens are cared for properly. We at Palmdale Station want to remind everyone to care for one another as we get through this pandemic together.  
Deputy Ronald Sneed
LASD Palmdale Sheriff's Station 

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LASD - Palmdale Station, Los Angeles County Sheriff
750 E Ave Q
Palmdale, CA 93550

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 661-272-2400

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