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City of Montebello
Friday March 20th, 2020 :: 02:06 p.m. PDT


SCAM ALERT: Individuals(s) claiming to be from the city of Montebello going door to door offering services.

Attention Montebello Residents/Business Owners:

March 20, 2020

We are aware that individual(s) may be going door-to-door offering assistance from the City of Montebello. These individual(s) do not represent the City/County/State/Federal in any official capacity. Please be aware that official staff from the City of Montebello will not be coming door-to-door. With the exception of calls for service for police or fire, do not respond to any person misrepresenting the City of Montebello. During this crisis, please be careful of fraudulent services.

For the complete statement from the city of Montebello,

Up-to-date City information can be found on the following links: Social Media Accounts 
  • City of Montebello Facebook    
  • City of Montebello Twitter                  @Montebellocity
  • Montebello FD Twitter                       @MontebelloFD
  • Montebello FD Instagram                  @MontebelloFD
  • Montebello PD Facebook         
  • Montebello PD Twitter                       @MontebelloPD
  • Montebello PD Instagram                  @MontebelloPD
Non-Emergency Phone Numbers
  • City of Montebello                               323-887-1200
  • Montebello Fire Department               323-767-6519
  • Montebello Police Department           323-887-1313
  • Montebello Bus Lines                         323-557-1625

City of Montebello
1600 W Beverly Blvd
Montebello, CA 90640

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 323-887-1313

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