UPDATE-Angels Camp Resident Leads Law Enforcement on a Pursuit After Injuring a Victim and Carjacking Her Car / ACPD 20-0259
Press Release
May 13, 2020
We have received a request to reiterate that the victim in this incident was known to Joshua Cowan. State law prohibits the release of the victim’s identity, however we want to reiterate that the victim was not a random person.
We have also learned that although the dog mentioned in the first press release does belong to the victim, it has since been learned that the dog also belonged to Cowan.
May 12, 2020
SUBJECT: Angels Camp Resident Leads Law Enforcement on a Pursuit After Injuring a Victim and Carjacking Her Car / ACPD 20-0259
CONTACT: Teresa Johnson, Tel. (209)736-2567 /teresajohnson@angelscamp.gov
On May 12, 2020 at approximately 7:40 am, the Angels Camp Police Department received a report of a male hitting a female on the back of the head in a parking lot located in the 1000 block of South Main Street.
The male took the female’s vehicle and her dog without the victim’s consent and left the area before law enforcement arrived. Witnesses reported that he left driving northbound on South Main Street and that the victim was still in the parking lot.
Responding units from the Angels Camp Police Department and Calaveras County Sheriff’s Office located the male driving the vehicle in the 300 block of South Main Street and attempted a traffic stop. Angels Camp Police Officers recognized the male driver as 43 year-old Angels Camp resident, Joshua Cowan, from prior contacts.
Cowan refused to yield to the officers’ lights and sirens and lead them on a pursuit through the Angels Camp area for approximately 9 minutes. Speeds varied from 35 mph on Main Street to up to 70 mph on the Hwy 4 Bypass.
Cowan eventually stopped the vehicle in the 300 block of North Main Street. He exited the vehicle and refused to comply with commands being given by the officers and deputies on-scene. A taser was deployed by an Angels Camp Police Officer and Cowan was taken into custody without further incident.
Cowan was arrested and transported to the Calaveras County Jail where he was booked on the following charges:
2800.1 VC – Evading a Peace Officer
215 PC- Carjacking
243(d) PC- Battery- Serious Injury
368(b)(1) PC- Elder Abuse
148 PC- Resisting/Obstructing a Peace Officer
1203.2 PC- Violation of Probation
14601.1(a) VC- Driving With a Suspended/Revoked License
Cowan was booked on charges that do not meet the California Judicial Council’s COVID-19 zero-bail order and will not be released early in response to the zero-bail order.
The victim was treated by emergency medical units and transported by ambulance to an area hospital for injuries that were inflicted by Cowan. The severity of her injuries is not known at the time of this press release.
The victim’s dog was located in the vehicle and was not harmed. With the victim’s permission, the vehicle and the dog were released to a family member. The victim in this incident is known to Cowan. Her name will not be released.
#angelscamppolice #angelscamppd
Angels Camp Police Department
200 Monte Verda St
Angels Camp, CA 95222
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 209-736-2567