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City of Ripon, CA
Friday May 15th, 2020 :: 08:30 a.m. PDT


San Joaquin County Public Health releases Roadmap to Recovery Dashboard

State Resilience Roadmap

Governor Newsom has set key factors and thresholds that each county must achieve to guide the reopening of businesses and returning to daily activities (also referred to as the statewide Resilience Roadmap). The San Joaquin County Public Health Services has released a new visual dashboard that track’s the county’s progress in meeting these thresholds.

The COVID-19 Resilience Roadmap dash board for San Joaquin County can be found using the link below:

City of Ripon, CA
259 N Wilma Ave
Ripon, CA 95366

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 209-599-2108

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