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Angels Camp Police Department
Tuesday June 2nd, 2020 :: 09:05 a.m. PDT


Statement from the City of Angels


June 2, 2020

SUBJECT: Statement from the City of Angels

CONTACT: Chief Scott Ellis, Tel. (209)736-2567 /


The City of Angels and our Police Department wish to join with the community in expressing our disappointment with the actions of the police officers involved in the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, MN.

As law enforcement professionals, police officers everywhere take an oath to serve and protect our communities. The officers shown in the Minneapolis video failed miserably in their professional responsibility. The life of every human being is valuable and to devalue life and discard its existence is intolerable

We respect the rights of all citizens to peacefully protest and demonstrate to express their outrage with the events in Minneapolis however, regardless of the pain caused and felt by these events; the rights of others must be respected. Disrupting the orderly flow of traffic, causing damage to persons and/or property as seen in many parts of our country is unacceptable, does nothing to right the wrong and cannot be tolerated in our community.

The government of the City of Angels and our Police Department stand united in our commitment to enforce the laws of the State of California and arrest those violating them.

Scott Ellis
Chief of Police, City of Angels

Melissa Eads
City Administrator, City of Angels

Joseph Oliveira
Mayor, City of Angels


Angels Camp Police Department
200 Monte Verda St
Angels Camp, CA 95222

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 209-736-2567

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