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Sierra Madre Police Department
Tuesday June 2nd, 2020 :: 11:16 a.m. PDT


Countywide Curfew in Effect Today from 6:00 PM - 6:00 AM

Los Angeles County has implemented another County-wide curfew beginning at 6:00 PM today and ending at 6:00 AM tomorrow, Wednesday, June 3rd.

The curfew prohibits anyone from being upon public streets, alleys, parks, or any public place. The City of Sierra Madre has implemented a Curfew within its City limits consistent with that of LA County’s, and will have additional police officers patrolling the city throughout the evening and during the next few days of operation. Please contact the Sierra Madre Police Department (626) 355 - 1414 if you have any questions regarding this message.

Contact Information:
Laura Aguilar
Public Information Officer
(626) 836 – 6756


A Countywide curfew, within the unincorporated and incorporated areas of Los Angeles County, is in effect from 6:00 PM to 6:00 AM

Sierra Madre Police Department
242 West Sierra Madre Boulevard
Sierra Madre, CA 91024

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 626-355-1414

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Severe - Significant threat to life or property
Immediate - Responsive action SHOULD be taken immediately
Observed - Determined to have occurred or to be ongoing
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