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LASD - Palmdale Station, Los Angeles County Sheriff
Wednesday June 17th, 2020 :: 04:06 p.m. PDT


Palmdale Sheriff's Detectives Seeking Information Regarding Fatal Traffic Collision..

Palmdale Sheriff’s Station is seeking information from the public regarding a fatal hit and run traffic collision that resulted in the death of Daryl Baker, a husband and father of two. 

The traffic collision occurred on Friday June 12th, 2020 at approximately 9 p.m. on Rancho Vista Blvd between 25th Street West and 27th Street West, in the city of Palmdale.

Anyone with information regarding this case is encouraged to contact Detective Danielle Day at 661-272-2423 or email  

Deputy Ronald Sneed 
Palmdale Sheriff's Staiton 
750 E Avenue Q, Palmdale CA

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LASD - Palmdale Station, Los Angeles County Sheriff
750 E Ave Q
Palmdale, CA 93550

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 661-272-2400

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