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City of Ripon, CA
Tuesday July 14th, 2020 :: 01:46 p.m. PDT


City Council and Planning Commission Meeting Chambers Closed to the Public

City Council and Planning Commission Meeting Chambers Closed to the Public

Due to the recent State and San Joaquin County Health Orders that restrict indoor gatherings, City Council and Planning Commission meeting chambers will once again be closed to the public until further notice.  You may still view the meeting live online by clicking the link below:

If you wish to make a public comment, please email the City Clerk at [email protected] by 4:00 pm on the day of the City Council or Planning Commission meeting.

City of Ripon, CA
259 N Wilma Ave
Ripon, CA 95366

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 209-599-2108

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