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LASD - Palmdale Station, Los Angeles County Sheriff
Tuesday August 25th, 2020 :: 12:18 p.m. PDT


Join Palmdale Station's Captain Shaffer for "Coffee with a Captain, Live on Facebook, Wednesday, August 26, 2020 at 10 a.m.

Join Palmdale Sheriff’s Station Captain Ronald Shaffer for our virtual Facebook Live Event, “Coffee with a Captain.” Palmdale Station’s Captain Ronald Shaffer will sit down for open dialog, Q & A, and give community members a transparent look inside the inter-working's of LASD. 
This week, Captain Shaffer speak with Palmdale Station Detective Nisenoff regarding domestic violence. Captain Shaffer will also speak with Kim Perkins of Valley of Oasis to discuss services they provide to victims of domestic violence.
Please be sure to log onto the Palmdale Sheriff’s Station’s Facebook page tomorrow, Wednesday August 26, 2020 at 10:00 a.m., to tune into the live event. If you happen to miss it live, the event will be posted and viewable on the Palmdale Station Facebook page.
Please email the questions you want Captain Shaffer to answer to
Deputy Ronald Sneed 
Palmdale Sheriff's Station
750 E Avenue Q, Palmdale CA
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LASD - Palmdale Station, Los Angeles County Sheriff
750 E Ave Q
Palmdale, CA 93550

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 661-272-2400

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