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Danville Police Department CA
Monday September 14th, 2020 :: 05:24 p.m. PDT



Town of Danville Update:  9.14.20

Health Order Updated to Align with State COVID Plan

On Monday, September 14, 2020 Contra Costa Health Services released an update to the ongoing health order designed to bring the county into alignment with the State of California’s COVID-19 Blueprint for a Safer Economy. The intention of the updated health order is so that Contra Costa County no longer has different reopening rules than the state. 
The change, which takes effect at 8:00 a.m. on Wednesday, September 16, 2020, simplifies the plan for reducing the spread of coronavirus in Contra Costa, and identifies steps the community can take in keeping ourselves, families, co-workers, employees and customers safer during the pandemic. 

Changes under the new health order include:

  • Personal care services that involve close contact with the face may begin operating outdoors, except for tattooing, piercing and nonmedical electrolysis
  • Racetracks and cardrooms may operate outdoors
  • Music, television and film production may resume
  • Professional sports without live audiences may resume
Contra Costa Health has also revamped their online dashboards to show datapoints that are consistent with the state’s new tiered plan for reopening.  The dashboards are available for view at

Town Council Meeting Set for September 15

Members of the Danville Town Council are scheduled to meet online at 5:00 p.m. on September 15, via the Zoom app. During the meeting, Councilmembers will discuss an update to the Town Municipal Code regarding sidewalk vendors, and Police Chief Allan Shields will provide an annual report on the Danville Police Department.  The agenda for Tuesday’s meeting can be found at

The meeting will be streamed live on Zoom, as well as the Town of Danville’s website.  Information on how to log in to the Zoom call and the online stream of the meeting can be found at

Danville Police Department CA
500 La Gonda Way
Danville, CA 94526

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 925-314-3700

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