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East Brunswick Recreation, Parks and Community Services
Monday October 12th, 2020 :: 06:00 p.m. EDT


Fall Fitness Classes - Begin This Week

Hopefully all are doing well and getting ready for the fall weather that is soon upon us.
We are moving the Fitness classes to the indoor Community Room at the Community Arts Center (CAC) for the cycle of classes that begin the this week – we will run these as a combination “in person” and “virtual” class by also offering this as a Zoom class for those not comfortable with attending an in-person, indoor class yet.  The Zoom class will be broadcast live at the same time as the in-person class and not taped for future viewing so keep that in mind as you register for the class. 
Due to the restrictions in place from the CDC and Governor’s office we need to limit the number of people that may attend the class in person, require all participants to wear a mask at all times at the CAC, and will require a health check before each class (take temperature, short health checklist).  To try and accommodate everyone we are adding a Zumba class to the evening offerings as well as a Zumba and Body Sculpting class to the early (noonish) offerings and will ask you on the registration page if you plan on attending the class in-person, via Zoom, or a combination of both.
Here is a brief outline of what the classes will be (a more in-depth flier is attached which contains fees and skip dates for holidays), and when everyone is registered we will outline the various steps to take when attending the in-person class (keep 6+ feet apart, which door to enter/depart through, restrooms open, etc., and what the questions will be on the health checklist – it’s the basic questions about whether you have COVID/been in contact with someone with COVID/etc.
Zumba – Mon/Tue/Thur, Oct 15-Nov 19 and Nov 23-Jan 4, 5:50pm-6:35pm
Zumba – Mon/Tue/Thur, Oct 15-Nov 19 and Nov 23-Jan 4, 6:40pm-7:25pm
Zumba – Mon/Fri, Oct 12-Nov 13 and Nov 16-Dec 21, 12:00pm-12:45pm
Mat Pilates – Mon, Oct 26-Nov 23 and Nov 30-Dec 28, 5:00pm-5:45pm
Yoga – Tue/Thur, Oct 13-Nov 17 and Nov 19-Jan 5, 5:00pm-5:45pm
Yoga –  Mon/Tue/Thur, Oct 15-Nov 19 and Nov 23-Jan 4, 7:30pm-8:15pm
Body Sculpting – Fri, Oct 16-Nov 13 and Nov 20-Jan 8, 12:50pm-1:35pm.
You may register online at
Facebook @EBRec
Twitter @EBRecParks
Instagram @EBRecParks
Email [email protected]

East Brunswick Recreation, Parks and Community Services
334 Dunhams Corner Road
East Brunswick, NJ 08816

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 732-390-6797

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