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City of Manhattan Beach
Thursday October 15th, 2020 :: 08:26 p.m. PDT


COVID-19 Update: Situation Report (October 15, 2020) See details:

Current Initiatives and Updates

Latest Numbers on COVID-19


Confirmed Cases




United States[1]

7,894,768 (+59,761)

216,025 (+831)


858,401 (+3,329)

16,757 (+118)

Los Angeles County[3]

286,183 (+1,233)

6,834 (+24)

City of Manhattan Beach[4] 383 (+1) 5 (+0)

As of October 13, 2020, Los Angeles County remains in Tier One, with "widespread" risk and the most restrictions. According to the State's website, L.A. County reflects 9.0 new COVID-19 cases per day (per 100k), with an adjusted case rate for tier assignment of 7.6. The positivity rate is 3.7%; the health equity metric is 6.0% (Healthy Places Index quartile positivity rate). Los Angeles County has met the State's positivity rate metric threshold for Tier Three with "moderate" risk but remains in Tier One because the tier assignment case rate is greater than 7. When the positivity rate and case rate fall into different tiers, the stricter tier prevails.

Federal, State, and County Updates

  • Gatherings of Three Households or Fewer Are Now Allowed - On Friday, October 9, the California Department of Public Health updated its guidance to allow private gatherings of three or fewer households with restrictions. The L.A. County Department of Public Health (DPH) updated its Health Officer Order on October 14 to align with State guidance on private gatherings. Private gatherings of people who are not part of a single household or living unit must comply with the following requirements:
    • Attendance: Private gatherings that include more than three households are prohibited. The smaller the number of people, the lower the risk.
    • Outdoors only: All private gatherings must be held outside. Gatherings are permitted in a public park or other outdoor space.
    • Keep it short: Private gatherings should be limited to two hours or less in duration. The longer the period, the risk of transmission increases.
    • Physical distancing and hand hygiene: All attendees must follow the social distancing protocol requirement. There should be a place to wash hands or hand sanitizer available for participants.
    • Singing, chanting, and shouting: Because singing, chanting and shouting increases the release of respiratory droplets into the air, these activities are strongly discouraged. However, if singing, chanting, and shouting does occur, to reduce respiratory droplets spread, all attendees must social distance and wear a face cover.
    • Notification: Anyone who develops COVID-19 within 48 hours after attending a private gathering must notify DPH and should notify the other attendees as soon as possible.
  • OSHA Guidance for Repairs in the Home – During the Public Health Order, home repairs may have been put off that are now being scheduled. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) published the COVID-19 Guidance for In-Home Repair Services to protect America's workers and workplaces' health and safety during these unprecedented times. The tips can help reduce the risk of exposure to the coronavirus for the workers who perform in-home repair services and the residence. Visit for additional news and updates on workplace standards and safety guides.
  • Herd Immunity May Not be a Practical Strategy- In the October Research Spotlight of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research, information on a study was published that concluded achieving herd immunity to COVID-19 may not be a practical public health strategy. The study confirmed that suppression of COVID-19 transmission is possible and feasible with prolonged (months) of social distancing. For more information, visit
  • L.A. County's First Skilled Nursing Facilities Report – As a result of the devastating impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on skilled nursing facilities (SNF) residents and staff, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors appointed an Inspector General to improve the oversight and accountability of SNF in Los Angeles County. The Office of Inspector General released the First Interim Report. To view the report and more information, visit
  • National Library of Medicine Adds New Category - COVID-19 – The U.S. National Library of Medicine | National Institutes of Health announced that PubMed Clinical Queries includes a new category for COVID-19. The PubMed Clinical Queries page will initially have COVID-19 articles and clinical study categories; new COVID-19 filter strategies may evolve. Visit for more information.
  • Projections in Healthcare / Predictive Modeling – Los Angeles County Department of Health Services (DHS) released the COVID-19 Projections of Hospital-based Health Care Demand October 14 Update. Key findings include:
    • The number of new patients with COVID-19 requiring hospitalization each day across Los Angeles County appears to be level, or, more likely, increasing slightly;
    • The estimated transmission number ("R") is 1.05, with an uncertainty of 0.96 to 1.12. Last week the estimate was 0.99 with an uncertainty of 0.91 to 1.06. If R is above one, the number of cases may increase over time;
    • Based on the current estimate for R, it is more likely that the number of cases will go up than down, and the current number of hospital beds, ICU beds, and ventilators in Los Angeles County are likely adequate over the next four weeks; however, within the next month it may be necessary to create and staff additional ward and ICU beds to meet demand, as was done in July;
    • The model suggests about 1 in 650 Los Angeles County residents are currently infectious to others and that about 1 in 6 have had COVID-19;
    • This suggests about 1 in 650 (between 1 in 1100 and 1 in 400) Los Angeles County residents are currently infectious to others. Last week this estimate was 1 in 950; and
    • The transmission of COVID-19 in Los Angeles County is changing over time. With different patterns in different geographic areas, more detailed geographical analysis is required to identify specific communities needing additional support in identifying cases and limiting spread.
  • Updated Study on COVID-19 During Pregnancy – Monitoring the impact of COVID-19 during pregnancy can protect pregnant mothers and their babies. The CDC reports that a Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report study suggests that expectant mothers with COVID-19 are more likely to be hospitalized and are at increased risk for intensive care unit (ICU) admission and mechanical ventilation receipt non-pregnant people. For more information and the latest guidance on obstetric healthcare, visit
  • Financial Fears in the Age of COVID-19 – The Administration for Community Living (ACL) News, Celebrating National Retirement Security Month, highlights an article titled Financial Fears in the Age of COVID-19: Help Yourself Just by Starting. New research numbers are sad enough to rattle anyone close to retirement age. The ACL can help with links to resources. The COVID-19 Resources Infographic covers COVID-19 financial resources related to retirement, unemployment, housing and social security. Visit for more information.
  • L.A. County Daily Briefing Statistics on COVID-19 – DPH confirmed 24 new deaths, one new case of COVID-19 in Manhattan Beach, and 1,233 new cases of COVID-19 in L.A. County in today's daily report. To date, DPH has identified 286,183 positive cases of COVID-19 across all areas of L.A. County, and a total of 6,834 deaths. Testing results are available for more than 2,866,000 individuals, with 9% of all people testing positive. There are currently 723 confirmed cases presently hospitalized, and 27% of these people are currently cases in the ICU. To view DPH's COVID-19 Daily Data, visit To view statewide case statistics and demographics, including positive cases, deaths, and testing results, visit

[1] October 14, 2020, Source:

[2] October 14, 2020, Source:

[3] October 15, 2020, Source:

[4] October 15, 2020, Source:

City of Manhattan Beach
420 15th St
Manhattan Beach, CA 90266

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 310-545-4566

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