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Ketchikan AK Community Notification System
Wednesday November 4th, 2020 :: 05:25 p.m. AKST


EOC - COVID Risk Increased to Level 3 - High, 7 New Positives, and 3 New Hospitalizations

Good Evening, this is Ketchikan Emergency Manager Abner Hoage.  Around 3:30 pm today the Ketchikan EOC announced an increase in our COVID Risk to Level 3 High.

The change in risk level is based on multiple factors. We have 7 new positive cases of COVID-19 in Ketchikan including 3 new hospitalizations and 5 new cases have been attributed to community spread.  This brings our current hospitalizations to 4 and our currently active cases to 43.  Our 14-day test positivity rate has increased to over 2%

Level 3 means that facilities and businesses will be asked to take additional health and safety precautions to keep our citizens safe.  Visit for those recommended measures. Please take care of yourself and others by following social distancing, limiting your outings to essential services, and wearing a mask in public.  We flattened the curve before, and we can do it again.

Stay safe Ketchikan.


Review risk information at

Ketchikan AK Community Notification System
70 Bawden St
Ketchikan, AK 99901

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 907-225-6631

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Alert Details

Severe - Significant threat to life or property
Immediate - Responsive action SHOULD be taken immediately
Observed - Determined to have occurred or to be ongoing
Medical and public health
Virus or Contagious Disease Outbreak

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