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East Brunswick Recreation, Parks and Community Services
Wednesday December 9th, 2020 :: 06:00 p.m. EST


Arts Commission Photo Contest - Due the 11th

East Brunswick Arts Commission and the Recreation Department present the Winter version of the East Brunswick Photography Project.  The Project is to promote art and photography in and around East Brunswick.  All submission will be posted on the Township website and social media accounts and some pieces will be selected for display in the East Brunswick Community Arts Center.

The Winter category is "The Beauty of East Brunswick" and you may interpret the theme in any way you see fit - all entries must be family friendly.  Email your submission to with 'Category' as the subject and include your name and the title of the work(s) in the body of the email.  Participants are limited to 3 photographs per category.  Pictures should be jpeg files.

Entries must be submitted by December 11th.

Questions regarding this contest should be directed to the Arts Commission at

Facebook @EBRec
Twitter @EBRecParks
Instagram @EBRecParks

East Brunswick Recreation, Parks and Community Services
334 Dunhams Corner Road
East Brunswick, NJ 08816

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 732-390-6797

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