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Sunnyvale Department of Public Safety
Thursday December 3rd, 2020 :: 09:12 a.m. PST


Five Suspects Arrested in Approximately $1,000,000 Employment Development Department (EDD) fraud case.

The Sunnyvale Department of Public Safety has identified at least 100 potential victims of State of California Employment Development Department(EDD) fraud. Preliminary information indicates a loss of approximately $1 million. Evidence seized during the investigation reveals potentially thousands of more victims. A total of five suspects were arrested by the Sunnyvale Department of Public Safety Burglary Suppression Detail (BSD).

On November 16, 2020 BSD conducted follow-up investigation for a residential burglary case. The suspect in the burglary stole several items of personal identification, social security cards, credit cards, utility bills, and personal checks. The suspect was identified as George Ramirez, a 35-year-old San Jose resident. Ramirez was subsequently located and arrested at a hotel in Sunnyvale.

BSD conducted a search of Ramirez’s hotel room and discovered a large amount of stolen mail from homes in Sunnyvale and other cities throughout Santa Clara County. Over the next two weeks, BSD continued working on investigative leads that were generated out of this initial burglary investigation.

With further investigation, BSD uncovered an EDD benefits fraud ring involving suspect Ramirez and four additional suspects. The suspects were stealing mail and personal identification from victims throughout Santa Clara County. The stolen personal identification was used to create fictitious profiles in the victims’ names. These fictitious profiles were used to apply for EDD unemployment benefits.

The investigation led to the arrest of a total of 5 suspects; 4 of which are on active parole or Post Release Community Supervision (PRCS). Items recovered were a stolen motorcycle, two handguns (one of which was stolen in residential burglary), a shotgun, AR-15 assault rifle parts, ammunition, illegal narcotics, stolen computers, stolen mail and personal identification. A device used to create fictitious credit cards was also recovered.

The Sunnyvale Department of Public Safety is investigating this case in collaboration with the State of California EDD Taskforce and the US Postal Service Inspection Service.This investigation is ongoing. Anyone with information regarding this case is asked to contact Sunnyvale Department of Public Safety Detective Barron Renzi at (408) 730-7712 or [email protected].

To report EDD fraud please call 1-800-229-6297. Visit EDD to learn more about EDD fraud and how to protect yourself from becoming victim to it: 

Media Contact: Captain Dan Pistor 408-203-9468

Sunnyvale Department of Public Safety
700 All America Way
Sunnyvale, CA 94086

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 408-730-7100

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