French Camp Man Arrested for Attempted Murder 
Salida, CA –
Crimes Against Persons Detectives with the Stanislaus County Sheriff’s Department arrested 31-year-old French Camp resident Anthony Kulp on Sunday, December 20th, 2020 for attempted murder after an assault which took place in the 5300 block of Pirrone Road.
Patrol deputies were dispatched to reports of an in-progress assault with a deadly weapon call at approximately 4:13 p.m. on Sunday afternoon. A woman called for 911 emergency assistance to say her boyfriend had stabbed her. We were provided with the name of the assailant, Anthony Kulp of French Camp, along with a description of the vehicle he was last seen fleeing the area in.
Upon our arrival, we located the victim who had serious, life-threatening injuries requiring urgent medical treatment. She was transported by paramedics to a local area hospital, where she underwent life-saving surgery. Our detectives were called to the scene and immediately began to assume control of our investigation. The scene was processed, evidence was collected, and a suspected weapon was recovered at the scene.
Through the course of detective’s quick investigative efforts, which included statements directly obtained from the victim of the violent attack, our case soon took us to Manteca in San Joaquin County. We were able to interview a member of Kulp’s family which allowed detectives to monitor the suspect’s location.
Ultimately, Kulp arrived at a parking lot of a business in the 10300 block of Trinity Parkway in Stockton. The Sheriff’s Office utilized the assistance of the Stockton Police Department in order to attempt to take Kulp into custody by conducting a high-risk traffic enforcement stop.
Initially, the man did not want to cooperate with law enforcement and refused to emerge from inside of his car. A standoff ensued where members of the SPD Special Weapons & Tactics Team, alongside their Hostage Negotiation Team, tried to persuade Kulp to peacefully surrender. He threatened to commit suicide with yet another knife he possessed, but later agreed to be taken into custody.
Kulp was arrested without further incident and taken back to Stanislaus County for a formal interview at our main office. He was then later booked into the Stanislaus County Public Safety Center for attempted murder.
It should be noted Kulp had been in our county custody only one-day prior to this incident for charges related to a felony vandalism case reportedly taken place on December 18th. Patrol deputies were summoned to the same victim’s house twice before, one of which happened on December 17 and the other on the 18th. Windows to a home and a vehicle were reportedly smashed.
The first incident of property damage involved the same victim’s residence, while the other incident happened on the following day and involved an acquaintance of the same woman. Kulp was arrested on December 19th and granted a zero-bail emergency release the same day, pursuant to the California Judicial Council’s response to the COVID-19 health pandemic.
"This is yet another example of an offender who should have been in custody and instead was set free to commit this violent act due to the zero bail policies," said Sheriff Jeff Dirkse. "He was arrested just the day prior for a felony vandalism charge, which the state deems as just a property crime. At a minimum, he should have been required to post bail before being released rather than just being arrested, booked, and sent right back out to the street."
The investigation into this incident in Salida is ongoing and other interviews will be conducted. Detective Fisher is the case agent and can be contacted directly at the Sheriff’s Department should members of the public have any additional witness information they want to share. He can be reached at (209) 525-7083.
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Stanislaus County Sheriff's Department
250 Hackett Road
Modesto, CA 95358
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 209-567-4401
Sgt Luke Schwartz
Patrol Ops - WPS
5300 Pirrone Rd
Salida, CA 95368