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City of Watervliet
Tuesday December 22nd, 2020 :: 03:24 p.m. EST


'Vliet Parking Restrictions Tomorrow, Wednesday, 12/23

In order to widen roadways and remove large snow banks, the City of Watervliet's Highway Department will be working with private contractors on the below listed streets. To accommodate for their large machinery, these areas will be temporarily posted with signage for  "No Parking". Additionally, local road closures may be in effect during the snow removal operations.

No Parking Zones for Wednesday, 12/23:
*8th Ave & 9th Ave from 19th Street to 26th Street*
*Broadway from 13th Street to 25th Street*
(No Parking Zones will be posted with signage)

Vehicles that are parked in the above "No Parking" zones may be ticketed and towed by the WPD. Please follow the instructions on the signage placed in your neighborhood. Help spread the word too! If you know people that live in these areas, please share this notice with them.
Call or email the General Manger's Office for questions relating to storm response/clean-up at 518-270-3800 ext 100 or

Call the Highway Department for any issues with snow plowing, snow banks, etc at 518-270-3821

Call the Police Department for any issues with vehicle's blocking the roadway, fire hydrants, etc. at 518-765-5979.


Do not leave your vehicles parked in the noted areas.

City of Watervliet
2 15th St
Watervliet, NY 12189

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 518-270-3833

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Alert Details

Minor - Minimal to no known threat to life or property
Future - Responsive action SHOULD be taken in the near future
Observed - Determined to have occurred or to be ongoing
Public and private transportation
Snow Emergency

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