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Angels Camp Police Department
Thursday January 7th, 2021 :: 04:17 p.m. PST


Catalytic Converter Thefts / ACPD 20-0709 and 21-0015


January 7, 2021

SUBJECT: Catalytic Converter Thefts / ACPD 20-0709 and 21-0015

CONTACT: Teresa Johnson, Tel. (209)736-2567 /


Picture this: You walk out to your vehicle after a long day at work. You are tired and want to go home. You get in your car, start the engine, and it makes a loud ROOOOOOAR! Suddenly your vehicle sounds like it has transformed into a race car. Unfortunately, you may be the latest victim of catalytic converter theft, and it is COSTLY to replace.

Over the last few weeks, the Angels Camp Police Department has taken two reports of catalytic converter thefts. Catalytic converters are typically easy for a thief to remove from a vehicle in as little as a minute or two with a wrench or saw.

Although you can’t predict what a thief will do, consider the following tips to help protect your vehicle from catalytic converter theft:

• In public parking lots, park in well-lit areas near building entrances or busy access roads when possible.
• When you are at home, park in your garage if you have one. Remember to close the garage door.
• Try not to leave your vehicle unattended for long periods of time.
• Thieves tend to target hybrid vehicles, pickups, and SUVS. If you own one of these vehicles, be extra cautious of where you leave your vehicle unattended.
• Consider contacting your mechanic about ways your catalytic converter can be protected, such as the installation of an after-market device or having the catalytic converter welded in place.
• Activate your vehicle’s security alarm if it is equipped with one.

The goal is to make your vehicle as unattractive a target as possible for catalytic converter theft. The more inconvenient it is for a thief to steal your catalytic converter, the more likely it is that they will move on to an easier target.


Angels Camp Police Department
200 Monte Verda St
Angels Camp, CA 95222

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 209-736-2567

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