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Port Vue Police Department
Thursday January 14th, 2021 :: 01:45 p.m. EST


Suspicious Person (s)

Port Vue residents are once again reminded to LOCK YOUR VEHICLE DOORS when you are away from your vehicles. A suspicious male was observed on video surveillance cameras near Lysle Avenue at approximately 4:30 a.m. No clear visual was obtained of the possible suspect. Unidentified male is ENTERING UNLOCKED vehicles and stealing change coins. The vehicles are NOT being broken into. No signs of any type of forced entry have been noted. Residents are reminded to not leave valuables inside your vehicles at any time and to LOCK CAR DOORS! These thefts do not occur if your vehicle door is locked. Extra police patrols will be conducted in these areas during the overnight hours.
David J. Petruski, Chief of Police

Port Vue Police Department
1194 Romine Ave
McKeesport, PA 15133

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 412-672-2255

David J. Petruski
Port Vue Police

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