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City of Malibu Emergency Services
Saturday January 16th, 2021 :: 08:28 p.m. PST


SCE may shut off power imminently on the Cuthbert Circuit, Section 1 (Murphy Way and Winding Way) in Point Dume area of Malibu 

SCE notified the City that it may shut off power imminently, in the next 1-4 hours on the Cuthbert Circuit, Section 1 (Winding Way and Murphay Way) due to fire weather conditions. Cuthbert Circuit covers Point Dume area, Latigo to Bonsall Dr, and from PCH 1 mile inland. 

Circuit segments may be viewed at and maps can be downloaded at

See preparedness information for SCE PSPS's at

City of Malibu Emergency Services
23825 Stuart Ranch Rd
Malibu, CA 90265

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 310-456-2489

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