Mild Winter Storm
According to the U.S. National Weather Service (NWS), a mild winter storm is entering our region beginning today and lasting through the week. The forecast reads for mild showers for Sunnyvale today with the possibility of thunderstorms after 10 a.m. Gusty winds and moderate to heavy rain is expected throughout the week ahead.
If needed, free sandbags (self service) are available to Sunnyvale residents and can be picked up at 221 Commercial Street. For details visit:
As a friendly reminder, please do not call 911 for power outages, instead visit Pacific Gas and Electric Company online at
Please also make sure that your pets have warm shelter, if they are outdoors bring them inside or provide a warm space. Follow these tips from Humane Society Silicon Valley to help keep your pets safe and warm: If you see a pet in distress please call us at 408-730-7178.
Those needing to report street flooding in Sunnyvale may call 408-730-7400 or do so online at
Here are a few important numbers to have on hand:
For Downed Trees (8am-4pm): 408-730-7506
For Downed Trees after 4pm: 408-730-7180
Downed Power Lines: 408-730-7180 or 800-743-5000
It’s very cold outside, for cold weather resources in Santa Clara County call 211 or visit
For local weather updates and alerts visit National Weather Service at
Be safe, stay warm!
Sunnyvale Department of Public Safety
700 All America Way
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 408-730-7100