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City of Saline, MI
Wednesday March 24th, 2021 :: 11:27 a.m. EDT


Reminder - Statewide Tornado Drill at 1p today.

This is Michigan Severe Weather Awareness Week and, in keeping with past tradition, the state will conduct a statewide test tornado warning at 1:00 p.m.
Remember the sirens are an OUTDOOR warning system. They are there to warn people outside about a tornado threat, and do NOT exist to warn people indoors. If you hear your siren inside your home, you are lucky…most people watching TV don’t hear their siren. So don’t rely upon the sirens when at home. Having a weather radio is your fool-proof way to get warnings.

City of Saline, MI
100 N Harris St
Saline, MI 48176

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 734-429-4907

Jerrod Hart
Saline Police Department

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