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Clayton County Sheriff's Office, GA
Wednesday May 5th, 2021 :: 01:00 p.m. EDT


#4 On SHERIFF VICTOR HILL’S Top Ten Most Wanted Captured In Union City

Earlier this morning Joseph Cluff who was #4 on Sheriff Victor Hill’s top ten most wanted was captured by Union City Police where store attendant reported three suspicious  males were in the back of their store. Union City Police Officer McFadden arrived and made contact.   All 3 suspects took flight on foot, but Cluff fell to the ground and a black handgun fell to the ground next to him.  After being apprehended and searched it yielded another handgun along with drugs.  Cluff gave Union City Police an alias of Dwight Clarkston to avoid being identified as one of the Sheriff's most wanted.  


Cluff made #4 on the Sheriff Victor Hill’s  top ten most wanted last year on 07/23/2020 for shooting a man in the neck with a pink 9mm handgun.


Soon Cluff will be brought back to face the wall at “The Hill-ton” which remains Georgia’s toughest para-military jail.


    The Clayton County Sheriff's Office:

     Protecting Clayton County Since 1859



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To be the best in the world at fighting crime!

                           Amos 9:1-4

Clayton County Sheriff's Office, GA
9157 Tara Blvd
Jonesboro, GA 30236

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 770-477-4479

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