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Stanislaus County Sheriff's Department
Wednesday June 30th, 2021 :: 10:24 a.m. PDT


Sheriff’s Office Investigates Fatal Shooting During Attempted Home Invasion

Modesto, CA –
Detectives with the Stanislaus County Sheriff’s Office are investigating a fatal shooting which took place Tuesday night during an attempted home invasion. 
On June 29, 2021, at 7:51 p.m., patrol deputies responded to the 3900 block of Blue Gum Ave in unincorporated Modesto on reports of an attempted home invasion robbery.  As the first units responded to the home, which was occupied by two elderly residents, they found a woman outside of the house in a parked car who had been fatally shot.
Through the course of our preliminary investigation, we determined the yet-to-be identified adult female intruder had tried to force entry into the home by smashing a sliding glass door with a fire extinguisher.  The elderly homeowners began calling for help to nearby neighbors, armed themselves with a firearm to defend their property, and told the woman to keep away. 
Investigators learned the woman living at the house gave warning, yet the intruder kept trying to force entry into the house and threatened to kill them.  In an act of apparent self-defense, the female homeowner fired a single round striking the intruder in the torso.  The woman then forced entry into one of the couple’s parked cars and died inside the passenger compartment.  Nobody residing at the home on Blue Gum Ave was injured during the attempted home invasion.   
Our investigation into this fatal shooting is still active and ongoing; however, early indication points to this being an act of self-defense.  No arrests have been made, a forensic autopsy has been scheduled for later this afternoon, and we will be providing identification of the decedent once proper next-of-kin notifications have been made.  The homeowners have cooperated thus far with our investigation.     
The case agent is Detective Martin.  She can be reached by calling 209-525-7093.  Tipsters can choose to remain anonymous by calling Crime Stoppers at 1-866-602-7463 or download the P3 Tip application for your mobile device.  Callers could be eligible for a cash reward in certain instances.
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Jeff Dirkse, Sheriff – Coroner
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Stanislaus County Sheriff's Department
250 Hackett Road
Modesto, CA 95358

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 209-567-4401

Sgt. Luke Schwartz
Patrol Ops - SOC

3900 Blue Gum Ave
Modesto, CA 95358

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