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SBSD - Big Bear Sheriffs Department
Friday July 9th, 2021 :: 01:54 p.m. PDT


Multi-Agency Response to Medical Aid Call on Big Bear Lake

DATE/TIME: 07/08/21, 4:30 p.m.

INCIDENT: Multi-Agency Response to Medical Aid Call on Big Bear Lake

LOCATION: North Shore Landing

VICTIM(S): Pending Identification By Coroner Division


On Thursday, July 8, 2021 at approximately 4:30 p.m., deputies from the Big Bear Sheriff's Station responded to a call for medical aid at North Shore Landing on Big Bear Lake.  Lake Patrol operators from Big Bear Municipal Water District located a male subject who had fallen off a personal watercraft.  The subject was reported to be unconscious and possibly not breathing.  Lake Patrol operators were able to get the subject on their boat and transport him to the dock at North Shore Landing.

Paramedics from Big Bear Fire Department immediately commenced life-saving efforts and transported the victim to Bear Valley Community Hospital.  The victim was pronounced deceased at the hospital.

The matter is currently under investigation with the Boating Accident Investigation Team of the Big Bear Sheriff's Station.  The identity of the victim and cause of death will be determined by the San Bernardino County Coroner Division.  Information on death investigations can be requested by members of the press and submitted by e-mail to the Coroner Watch Commander at or by calling (909) 387-2978.

Refer: Tiffany Swantek, Media Relations

Station: Big Bear Sheriff's Station

Phone No. (909) 866-0100

Case No. 252100088

JOHN McMAHON, Sheriff-Coroner
San Bernardino County Sheriff-Coroner Department

SBSD - Big Bear Sheriffs Department
477 Summit Blvd
Big Bear Lake, CA 92315

Emergency: 9-1-1

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