French Fire - UPDATE #13 - Updated Evacuation Orders and Warnings 
French Fire - UPDATE #13 - Updated Evacuation Orders and Warnings. Details below.
Este es un mensaje de emergencia. Para espanol, llame a 2-1-1. Gracias.
UPDATE: As of 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 26, 2021
This is an update to previous ReadyKern messages concerning the French Fire in the Kern River Valley. Areas under Evacuation Orders or Evacuation Warnings have been updated. The following information is complete at the time of this message.
All other previous EVACUATION ORDERS and WARNINGS remain in effect.
Due to the recent days of fire activity and to support future fire suppression efforts, as well as for the safety of the community and firefighters, the following new ORDERS and WARNINGS are in effect:
Private ranchlands east and south of Glennville.
Areas east of Glennville and west of the Forest boundary.
General area east of Fulton Peak.
General area east of Windmill Tree Peak.
A detailed description of this area is included at the end of this message.
An Evacuation Order means that the French Fire is an immediate threat to life. An Evacuation Order is a lawful order to leave now and seek shelter away from the fire area. The area is lawfully closed to public access. An Evacuation Order will likely be the last order given.
Areas west of the Forest boundary, including the communities of Glennville, Linns Valley, Poso Flat, Pine Mountain, Badger Canyon, to north of the Kern River Canyon.
A detailed description of this area is included at the end of this message.
An Evacuation Warning means that the French Fire is a potential threat to life and/or property, and all residents are advised to be prepared to leave the area at a moment’s notice if it becomes necessary. Those who require additional time to evacuate, and those with pets and livestock, should leave now.
There will be no escorts provided by Law Enforcement, Fire Personnel, or Forest Personnel.
You can search your address in the French Fire Interactive Evacuation Map posted at
The evacuation center is located at Woodrow Wallace Elementary School, 3240 Erskine Creek Rd, Lake Isabella. Animal Services will assist with sheltering companion animals at the center.
If you have an emergency, call 911. If you have any questions about the content of this message, please contact Kern County Information and Referral Services at 2-1-1.
NEW EVACUATION ORDER DETAILED DESCRIPTION: Hwy 155 from Forest Boundary west to Green Glen Drive and 1.5 miles south to the north west corner of Township 25s Range 31E section 33; (in the general area east of Fulton Peak). Continuing 1.5 miles west to the Whitemill Rd area, and 4 miles south to the area east of Windmill Tree Peak. Continue 2 miles east to the Forest Boundary. This area includes the ranch lands east and south of Glennville.
NEW EVACUATION WARNING DETAILED DESCRIPTION: From the forest boundary west to Jack Ranch Rd at the Tulare and Kern county line continuing south on Jack Ranch Rd turning into Hwy 155 and continuing west to Granite Rd. South on Granite Rd to Poso Flat Rd. Granite and Poso Flat, due south for 11 miles to the forest boundary located in the south west corner of township 28S Range 30E section 19.
ReadyKern Emergency Notification System
2601 Panorama Dr
Bakersfield, CA 93306
Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 661-873-2603