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Bushkill Township
Friday September 3rd, 2021 :: 11:08 a.m. EDT


Bushkill Township Tropical Storm Ida Damage Assessment Information Request

Dear Bushkill Township Residents and/or Property Owners:
The Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency is currently assessing damages as a result of Tropical Storm Ida, in order to apply for a Presidential Disaster Declaration which allows for potential Federal Emergency Management Agency Individual Assistance and Public Assistance funds to aid in recovery efforts. 

If you have experienced damages to your property, please send a brief report to me via email to or or before Tuesday, September 7, 2021.  Please include the following in your report:

  • Complete Property Address
  • Name/phone number/email address
  • Is this a home or business
  • Are you the owner or do your rent the property
  • Do you have homeowners insurance
  • Do you have flood insurance
  • Is the property located in a Special Flood Hazard area
  • Water height above first finished floor (ex. 2 feet)
  • Is the basement finished or unfinished
  • Water height above basement (ex. 2 feet)
  • Type of dwelling (single or multi-family)
  • Estimated cost of damages
  • Photographs of damage
Once this information has been received in our office, it will then be sent to Northampton County Emergency Management Services to help determine the eligibility for Individual and Public Assistance Funding. 

Belinda A. Roberts
Township Manager
Bushkill Township

Bushkill Township
1114 Bushkill Center Rd
Nazareth, PA 18064

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 610-759-1250

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