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Angels Camp Police Department
Thursday September 9th, 2021 :: 10:37 a.m. PDT


Angels Camp Police Department Awarded $46,000 Grant From the CHP

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                               9/9/2021
Ben Savage
209 736-2567
Angels Camp Police Department Awarded $46,000 Grant From the CHP
Angels Camp, Calif. – The safety of everyone traveling is the focus of a grant awarded to Angels Camp Police Department. The $46,000 grant from the California Highway Patrol will assist in Angels Camp Police Department efforts to reduce deaths and injuries on Angels Camp roads.The funding from this grant is made available from the Cannabis Tax Fund.This grant will fund projects focused on addressing local impaired driving issues through a combination of public education, enforcement efforts, law enforcement training, and the purchase of new equipment.
“These are trying times, and now more than ever, it is important that we are at the forefront of traffic safety,” Angels Camp Police Department Chief Scott Ellis said. “This funding allows us to educate and enhance the safety of all residents.”
The one-year grant is funded from 7/1//2021 thru 6/30/2022.
The grant will fund a variety of traffic safety programs, including but not limited to:

  • Patrols with emphasis on impaired driving enforcement.
  • Patrols with emphasis on impaired driving prevention.
  • Educational presentations making the community aware of the dangers in operating a motor vehicle while impaired.
  • Purchasing of equipment to assist the department in education and enforcement.
  • Officer training and/or recertification
“Through education and behavior changes, we hope to create an environment that is safe and equitable for all road users in our community, Chief Ellis said.
Funding for this program was provided by a grant from the California Highway Patrol through the California Cannabis Tax Fund.
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Angels Camp Police Department
200 Monte Verda St
Angels Camp, CA 95222

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 209-736-2567

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