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City of Ferris
Wednesday September 29th, 2021 :: 08:27 a.m. CDT


SPREAD THE WORD...NOT COVID! Get a Monoclonal Antibody Treatment TODAY for Free. Homebound Treatments Are Also Available.


The City of Ferris, in partnership with Ellis County, is offering FREE Monoclonal Antibody Treatments at the Ferris Scout House located at:

514 S. Mabel Street
Ferris, TX 75125

Monday - Friday from 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Reserved Spots are Available, but NOT Required. 

Please visit to register or visit the address above during operating hours. It is NOT a requirement to be a resident of the City of Ferris to receive this treatment. 

If you are in Ellis County and homebound and are in need of the the Monoclonal Antibodies OR a Vaccine, please email: and we will be glad to arrange for medical staff to visit your residence. 

City of Ferris
114 S Central St
Ferris, TX 75125

Emergency: 9-1-1
Non-emergencies: 972-544-2110

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514 S Mabel St
Ferris, TX 75125

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