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Red Oak Police Department
Friday October 15th, 2021 :: 10:28 a.m. CDT



Sergeant Chris Schleif,
I am pleased to announce that you have been selected as the Officer of the Quarter for the fourth quarter of 2020/2021.
The selection was based on you receiving 25.00% of the department vote and numerous other performance-based metrics, documented positive attitude, and your positive and effective interaction with the community at large. Your furtherance of the Department mission and vision is demonstrated in your performance. Numerous departmental members have recognized you for your attention to detail and specifically your activity.
While there were many candidates nominated for this selection your activity level, consistency and performance with regards to the completion of your duties was exemplary. The continued professionalism demonstrated by you in the completion of your assignments stood out amongst your peers. Your performance is clearly recognized by departmental personnel that selected you to receive this award. Of the submissions provided by departmental personnel, you were the departmental selection for the Officer of the Fourth Quarter 2020/2021. You have brought credit upon yourself, the Patrol Division and the Department for your demonstrated performance and you are to be commended for your accomplishments and actions garnering your nomination.
You are further commended for your daily efforts and the example you set for the Red Oak Police Department. This award is but a small token that confirms your commitment to excellence in the law enforcement profession. This recognition qualifies you for consideration for the Officer of the Year Award to be presented later this year.
Again, CONGRATULATIONS on being the recipient of the Officer of the 4th Quarter selection for 2020/2021.
Garland Wolf
Chief of Police

Red Oak Police Department
547 Methodist St
Red Oak, TX 75154

Emergency: 9-1-1

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